Rig Move

Kheberat Groupis committed to provide excellence services in rig move, our activities during  rig move, we prepare and provide the following documents:

  • Rig move plan.
  • Emergency  Plan.
  • Job Safety Analysis (JSA).
  • Task Risk Assessment (TRA).
  • Escort Vehicles procedures.
  • Road Survey.
  • Flagging procedure.
  • Lifting plans.
  • Security plan.
  • Inspection forms & inspection reports.
  • All required passes and security clearances.
  • All required third party certifications for equipment, tools and people.

We have professional crew to carry out all activates during rig down, transportation and rig up.  All the crew members have the required training, third party certifications and experiences.

We use modern equipment (trucks and cranes) all the equipment has the IVMS and inspected  by third party.  MIK uses heavy equipment to transport the rig components.

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